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React Component Lifecycle

·277 слов·2 минут
  1. Mounting
  2. Updating
  3. Unmounting

* is required, others will be called if defined

Mounting phase - putting elements into the DOM

  1. constructor(props)
    • called when component is initiated
    • set initial state
  2. getDerivedStateFromProps( props, state )
    • set state based on the initial props
    • (updates state from initial before render)
    • returns state object
  3. *render()
  4. componentDidMount()
    • run statements that requires that the component is already placed in the DOM

Updating phase - when component is updated

  1. getDerivedStateFromProps( props, state )
  2. shouldComponentUpdate()
    • return a Boolean that specifies whether React should continue with the rendering or not default is true
  3. *render()
  4. getSnapshotBeforeUpdate( prevProps, prevState )
    • gives access to the props and state before the update (i.e. even after the update, you can check what the values were before the update) requires componentDidUpdate() method
  5. componentDidUpdate()

Unmounting - when a component is removed from the DOM

  1. componentWillUnmount()
    • is called when a component is about to be unmounted


export default class Header extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

    this.state = { color: "red" };

  static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {
    return { color: props.color };

  shouldComponentUpdate() {
    return true;

  componentDidMount() {
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.setState({ color: "blue" });
    }, 2000);

  getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
    const div1 = document.getElementById("div1");
    div1.textContent = `Before the update Header color was: ${prevState.color}`;
    return null;

  componentDidUpdate() {
    const div2 = document.getElementById("div2");

    div2.textContent = `The updated Header color is: ${this.state.color}`;

  componentWillUnmount() {
    alert("the component named Header is about to be unmounted");

  handleClick = () => {
    this.setState({ color: "cyan" });

  render() {
    return (
      <div style={{ color: this.state.color }} onClick={this.handleClick}>
        <h1 className="title">Header {this.state.color}</h1>
        <div id="div1"></div>
        <div id="div2"></div>
