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Git Sign

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Git Gpg

Get gpg Program on Windows

  • using scoop: scoop intsall gpg
  • also comes with git-bash: /bin/gpg

To change pin entry dialog language set user environment variable LANG to en:

  • Win+R, rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables
  • Control Panel / User Accounts / Change my environment variables

Generate GPG Key

  1. Run command:
    • gpg --full-generate-key
  2. Enter key options
  3. Enter signer info:
    • name
    • email (GitHub verified, or GitHub no-reply)
    • comment
  4. Get key id (used to configure git):
    • gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format long
    • find a section of the key by name, email
    • on the top row: sec ed25519/<key id> <date>
  5. Generate public key (used on GitHub):
    • gpg --armor --export <key id>

NOTE: to make keys to work on linux add export GPG_TTY=$(tty) to .bashrc or .profile

Configure git

Now configure git with info about:

  • who signs (GitHub email)
  • with what key (key id)
  • with what program (optional if default program is not the same that generated key)

Something like this:

git config --local user.email <email>
git config --local user.signingkey <key id>
git config --global gpg.program <path to gpg executable>

or use conditional git config

To verify git config:

  • git config -l --local
  • git config -l --scow-scope --show-origin


  1. it’s written to add commit.sign and tag.sign, but without them commits also are signed (I guess it’s for more control to what sign and what not)
  2. to explicitly sign commit pass: git commit -Sm "..."
  3. to debug commit signing: GIT_TRACE=1 git commit ...

Add GPG Key to GitHub

  1. Go to GitHub new GPG key settings page
  2. Paste complete public like:
