You can configure ssh keys for multiple accounts on sites like Gitlab, GitHub
Create key and upload it to GitHub#
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<comment>"
# enter path to /home/user/.ssh/github/<github-user>/id_ed25519
# start the ssh-agent
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/github/<github-user>/id_ed25519
# add content of public key to accounts settings on site
gh ssh-key add <PATH-TO-PUB-KEY> --title "personal laptop"
Configure ssh#
touch ~/.ssh/config
# readable and writable only by the user and not accessible by others
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
In this file you can create custom host names so that allows you to use specific host for each user.
Host <custom hostname, like <USER>.gh>
User <USER>
IdentityFile <PATH TO SSH KEY>
And now instead of referring to github you should refer to specified host:
git remote origin set-url
Test connection#
ssh -T git@<host specified in ~/.ssh/config>