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Set up WSL

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Set default WSL version

wsl --set-default-version 2 Version 2 differs from 1 with:

  • it has it’s own file system, but you can access it from network share with vm
  • it’s more like vm than set of tools
  • comes with kernel
  • allows to run gui apps

List available distributions

wsl --list --online

Install distribution

wsl --install -d <Distribution Name>

Set default distribution

wsl --setdefault <DistributionName>

Create user

After installation, you will be asked to enter username and password. To keep this initial user untouched, I prefer user dispensable user, that can be broken, littered beyound recovery. Option -m creates user-specific directory in home dir: /home/user sudo useradd -m user

Add user to sudousers

sudo usermod -aG sudo user

Configure wsl from within. Set default user

Distro can be configured with file /etc/wsl.conf. It has many options. Allows to set default user (used with vscode and wsl extension). Also allows to separate windows PATH and distro’s one.

appendWindowsPath = false
default = user