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Java Intro

·882 words·5 mins

A recursion function must have a halting condition,
when the recursion function doesn’t return itself, but a const.

Objects are created from a class.

Compile and run

A class must have the same name as a file. The first letter is in upper case.
To run, the class must have a public static method main:

class Main {
  public static void main( String[] args ) {
    // ...

to compile:
javac [-d <targetDir>]

to run:
java Main



  • boolean: 1 bit: true/false
  • char: 2 bytes: single character/letter or ASCII values: ‘C’ / ASCII: 67

Numbers whole

namesize (in bytes)convert to bitsrange size (size in bits)values range
byte1 byte\( 2 ^ { 8 \times 1 \text{B} } \)256-128 .. 127
short2 bytes\( 2 ^ { 8 \times 2 \text{B} } \)65536-32'768 .. 32'767
int4 bytes\( 2 ^ { 8 \times 4 \text{B} } \)4294967296-2'147'483'648 .. 2'147'483'647
long8 bytes\( 2 ^ { 8 \times 8 \text{B} } \)a lot-9'223'372'036'854'775'808L .. 9'223'372'036'854'775'807L

Numbers with floating point

namesize (in bytes)size (in bits)number of decimal digitsexamples
float4 bytes\( 2 ^ { 8 \times 4 \text{B} } \)6 - 72.35f, 23E5f
double8 bytes\( 2 ^ { 8 \times 8 \text{B} } \)152.35d, 23E5d

Non-primitive (reference types)

  • String
  • Array:
    • String[] names = { "name1", "name2" }
    • java.util.ArrayList, java.util.Collections
  • java.util.HashMap
  • java.util.HashSet
  • java.util.Iterator
  • class
  • interface
  • enum - a group of contants
  • wrapper classes (have .toString() method):
    • Byte: byteValue()
    • Short: shortValue()
    • Integer: intValue()
    • Long: longValue()
    • Float: floatValue()
    • Double: doubleValue()
    • Boolean: booleanValue()
    • Character: charValue()

Type casting

Auto - in reverse must be manual:

byte > short > char > int > long > float > double

char c = 'c'
int i = c; // auto type casting

c = (char) i; // manual type casting



  • str.length()
  • str.toUpperCase()
  • str.toLowerCase()
  • str.indexOf(c)
  • str.concat(str1)


Escape: \", \', \\

Escape sequencies:

  • \n - new line
  • \r - carriage return
  • \t - tab
  • \b - backspace
  • \f - form feed


An interface is a completely abstract class, that is used to group related methods with empty bodies (a body must be provided by the implement class)

Unlinke classes interfaces are implemented (not extended)

Class can only inherit from one superclass,
but can implement multiple interfaces:
class Horse implements Animal, Mammal { ... }

interface Animal {
    int population = 3; // attributes are public static final by default
    void animalSound(); // methods are abstract public by default
    void run();

class Horse implements Animal {
    public void animalSound() {}

    public void run() {}


Enum like a class can have attributes and methods.
Enum constants are public static final.
Enum cannot be used to create objects, and it cannot extend other classes (but it can implement interfaces).

enum Level {

Level level = Level.HIGH;

Loop through an Enum

for (Level level : Level.vales()) {


Access modifiers

For classes

  • public - accessible by any other class
  • default - accessible by classes in the same package (not specified public)

For attributes, methods, constructors

  • public
  • private - within declared class
  • protected - in the same package and subclasses
  • default - in the same package Non-access modifiers: for classes:
  • final - the class cannot be inherited by other classes
  • abstract - the class cannot be used to create objects

For attributes and methods

  • final - cannot be overridden/modified, if you don’t want the ability to override existing attribute values
  • static - attributes and methods belongs to the class, rather than an object, can be accessed without createing an object of the class (unlike public)
  • abstract - (on methods) can only be used in an abstract class, has no body abstract void run(); the body is provided by the subclass
  • transient - attributes and methods are skipped when serializing the object containng them
  • synchronized - methods can only be accessed by one thread at a time
  • volatile - the value of an attribute is not cached thread-locally, and is always read from the “main memory”


postfixexpr++ expr--
unary++expr --expr +expr -expr ~ !
multiplicative* / %
additive+ -
shift<< >> >>>
relational< > <= >= instanceof
equality== !=
bitwise AND&
bitwise exclusive OR^
bitwise inclusive OR|
logical AND&&
logical OR||
ternary? :
assignment= += -= *= /= %/ &= ^= `



try {
    // throw exception
    // throw new ArithmeticExecption("Error message")
} catch(Exception e) {
    // handle exeption
} finally {
    // executed regardless of the result

Exception types

  • ArithmeticException
  • FileNotFoundException
  • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
  • SecurityException

File handling


File file = new File("filename.txt");


  • canRead()
  • canWrite()
  • createNewFile()
  • delete()
  • exists()
  • getName()
  • getAbsolutePath()
  • length()
  • list()
  • mkdir()

Methods overloading

// method overloading: single method name for difference parameters
static double add(double a, double b) {
    return a + b;

static int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

