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How to Install Hugo on Ubuntu

·325 words·2 mins
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To keep track of my actions for future uses and as dementia prevention measures, I’ve decided to use blog.

I’ve known something about Hugo static site generator and to strcuture and solidify my knowledge I am using this great tool.

Hugo website says that it requries Git, Go, Dart Sass.

As Git is preinstalled and is present in repositories, I started with Go.

All this tools (except Git) I’ve installed by adding it’s prebuild binaries to PATH.

Order of actions:

  • get link to tar
  • download, I used ~/downloads directory (mkdir ~/downloads)
  • extract to desired directory, I used ~/local (mkdir ~/local)
  • add directory with the binary to PATH, to isolate user’s data I used ~/.profile
  • check installation

Installing Go

Link to Go binary releases#

Links of Go binaries (including previous versoins) for all platforms are present on

As I use Ubuntu on WSL, I needed lateset linux-amd64 version

Downloading tar-file

cd ~/downloads
curl -O -L`

Check contents of tar-file

Since tar could have its content at archive’s root to extract it, the target directory should be created in advance, so to check what inside tar-file and where to extract it, I used

tar -tf go1.21.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz

This archive had root directory

Extract tar-file

tar -C ~/local -xzf go1.21.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
ls ~/local/go

Add directory to PATH

  • Open ~/.profile file with vim: vim ~/.profile
  • Add lines to the end:
    #add go to PATH
    export PATH=$PATH:/home/user/local/go/bin
  • Close the file saving the changes with Ctrl + X shortcut
  • To reload ~/.profile in current terminal, enter command source ~/.profile

Check installation

go version

Installing Dart-Sass

cd ~/downloads
curl -O -L
tar -tf dart-sass-1.69.4-linux-x64.tar.gz
tar -C ~/local -xzf dart-sass-1.69.4-linux-x64.tar.gz
echo -e "#add dart-sass to PATH\nexport PATH=$PATH:/home/user/local/dart-sass" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
sass --version

Installing Hugo

cd ~/downloads
curl -OL
tar -tf hugo_extended_0.119.0_linux-amd64.tar.gz
mkdir ~/local/hugo-extended
tar -C ~/local/hugo-extended -xzf hugo_extended_0.119.0_linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo -e "#add hugo to PATH\nexport PATH=$PATH:/home/user/local/hugo-extended" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
hugo version